
About Kawa-V

This is my website, I'm an illustrator manga artist.
2 11, 2017

Fixing the web

By |2017-11-05T22:37:15+01:00November 2nd, 2017|News|0 Comments

This is a bit actualization. The website is young, and I'm still working on some problems. The Patron Wordpress Plugin not work properly, so I'm put in contact with the developers to found help: Hi, my problem it's simple: I installed on my wordpress the "WordPress: Patron-only" plugin and everything it's ok. But I add the code "patreon_register_button" and don't work. The Patrons can't login. I suppose that I need code something, but I don't know the PHP language. I'm ok with HTML and CSS, but no PHP. What code I need, and where put in? Fortunately, I had a [...]

28 09, 2017

New Website

By |2017-11-02T14:45:50+01:00September 28th, 2017|News|2 Comments

Wellcome to my new website. This site will become on something like a operations base.  I will continue uploading content on Deviantart, Tumblr, Patreon, etc. But for a long time I wanted to have a site can call "mine". Not just depend on others website. Because they can fall, and I can lost all my works. If a website fall, every watcher can lose sight of me. With this site, I can manage all the information, without fear of loose them. I mean, do you remember CGHub?, this website was the principal gallery of profesional illustrators, but, from overnight, dissapeared. [...]

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