Hi, I’m working on a small subdomain on “Born of Itheriont”. My idea is a place where I can upload the chapters and everyone can read them. I’ll keep uploading to Tapastic and Webtoon, but as I said before, I like to have a place where I have 100% control of the content, without censorship and without the danger of the site closing (and losing the followers).

You can see the site clicking on the button:

My first idea was to upload the comic here, on this website, but the truth is that I am not convinced by any wordress plugin on webcomics. And I need to say that I like to separate the content. The comic and the new website is SFW, while my gallery is not, so this site allows me to reach a slightly younger audience.

The web is in progress, slowly I will be adding things (I have to add a subscription system or something that notifies by email). But I’ll take it easy. I’m not hurry. The important part is being able to read the chapters and that is already possible.