Wellcome to my new website.

This site will become on something like a operations base.  I will continue uploading content on Deviantart, Tumblr, Patreon, etc. But for a long time I wanted to have a site can call «mine». Not just depend on others website. Because they can fall, and I can lost all my works.

If a website fall, every watcher can lose sight of me. With this site, I can manage all the information, without fear of loose them.

I mean, do you remember CGHub?, this website was the principal gallery of profesional illustrators, but, from overnight, dissapeared. Suddenly, all that art, all the favorites and comments… lost.

When Wix bought Deviantart I felt something similar. What if that movement is not going well?

With this site, I can manage subscribe emails, and all people can find official information about my works and projects.

A win-win!