Chronology of the Age of Itheriont
World Chronology
-015? - The Arrival
Humans arrive on the continent fleeing a horrible war that they “want to forget”.
000 - The Singularity
The structure of the world inexplicably changes, and it becomes flat and infinite. Along with this change, monsters and magic appear.
*Here there is a discrepancy, because the Dragons say that The Arrival of the humans and The Singularity happened at the same time. But humans do not believe what the monsters say.
035 - The Magic
Learning the new gift brought wizards to greater prominence in the world, creating a new social status.
With an entire social class dedicated body and soul to the research of new knowledge, advances in science, technology and magic followed one after the other at an unprecedented speed.
110 - The Hunt Era
Humans discover Magite, which gives easy (but limited) control of magic. This allowed humans to fight on equal terms against monsters.
This stage is known by humans as “The Light Era”. Rahreks become the professional “monster hunters”.
250 - The Industrial Revolution
As the monsters were gradually expelled from the continent, more and more land became available for agriculture, which increased the population and thus the demand for products.
The introduction of Mana technology in industry was the decisive step, increasing production capacity, shortening lead times and increasing the quality of products.
314 - The Great (Human) War
After clearing the entire continent of monsters, after defeating the common enemy, and thanks to the new technologies of the industrial revolution, human nations began to fight each other.
Finally, a small war started between two nations, but complex systems of alliances and treaties transformed a small fight into a world war.
31? - The War of Dragons
The surviving dragons and monsters gather to decide when to attack humanity in revenge for the “Hunt Era”, whether as soon as possible, or wait for the Great Human War to weaken them.
Webcomic Chronology
(Born of Itheriont)
This section contains Spoilers.
Consult it only after reading the webcomic.
Day 01 (April-315)
Leiko arrives in Kaarinia.
Day 180- Chapter 01 (October-315)
6 months later, Leiko runs away from home and falls unconscious in the snow. She is rescued by Kazan.
Day 210 - Chapter 02 (November-315)
Leiko waits for a month for news from the “red-eyed man” and gets his name “Kazan”.
Day 211 - Chapter 03, 04 and 05 (November 315)
Leiko goes into Arza in search of Kazan (spends the night at Konrad’s family home).
Day 212 - Chapters 06 to 16 (November 315)
Lambert and Kazan confront each other over Leiko (spends the night at the mansion again).
Day 213 - Chapter 17 (November 315)
Kazan goes to work as Leiko’s guide and bodyguard.
Day 270 - Chapter 18 (December 315-January 316)
Leiko and Kazan visit the city for 2 months.
Day 271- Chapters 19 and 20 (February 316)
Current events.